I was stupid then.. I was really stupid.. and with my stupidity, I let you go.. we parted ways from then.. I was busy with my own life and you with yours.. we rarely see each other anymore.. only keep in touch through via SMS or MSN.. soon, I lost contact with you.. due to some circumstances with my ex.. from then onwards we don't even speak anymore.. but, no matter how busy my life was at that time.. I still think about you.. I think about you a lot.. cos, letting you go is one of the most regretful thing that I have ever done..
One fine day, after all these years that we have lost contact.. you finally called.. and that call was really unexpected.. I still remember I was by the roadside, in front of Sunway Pyramid when you called.. you said you saw me.. and that is how I got your number back again.. incidental things starts from there.. you were still with your ex and I was still with mine that time.. but we were both having the same problem with our ex.. after sometime, I opt to give up my relationship and coincidentally you gave up yours too.. then, we became really close.. cos we were going through the same problem and pain from out past relationships..
as time goes by, our feelings starts to develop again.. as thou it was that 6 years ago.. and soon, we choose to get back together.. things were pretty rough at the beginning.. we had arguments and time outs.. we thought things will not work out like how it does before.. but we didn't give up.. we hang on to it and work things out together.. I admit that I was being overly sensitive and a pain in the arse.. but I didn't want to let you go again.. letting you go for the first time was a huge mistake.. and I don't want to repeat the same mistakes twice..
as for today, we have been together for a year now.. and we have been living together most of the time out of this whole year.. I've seen you grown from a boy to a man.. you were still the same cheerful, kind, and responsible you.. and till today, we still have our little toy doggy and spiderman that we bought together 6 years back.. thank you for still having faith in us.. thank you for still loving me after all these years..