Hey people! I'm back from my Christmas trip.. and it was a wonderful one.. I had loads of fun at the beach.. the smell of the sea salt water and the sound of the waves were just fantastic.. I have been craving for a holiday at the beach for a long time already.. thou I had a bad sunburn and slight fever when I got back.. but it was all worth while.. so here are the pictures from the trip.. enjoy!
Day 1 - 23rd December 2007
We started our journey about 9 in the morning.. had breakfast with baby, kok weng and his girlfriend.. journey there was a bit long cos we were using the old trunk road instead of the highway.. and we stopped by Bidor for lunch and was waiting for the rest to catch up.. so we only reach to the jetty terminal around 2pm.. its been a long time since I last step foot in Pulau Pangkor.. so I was all excited.. we checked in had some snacks and a little rest and in the evening we went fishing.. it was my first time fishing and I caught 2 fishes! it was a really fun experience and now I wanna go for more fishing.. then at night they want to go for squid fishing.. and baby caught an octopus instead of a squid.. after fishing we went for a drink at a mamak stall near by and called it a night..

Cherie's Parable at Pulau Pangkor..

Pulau Pangkor.. here I come!

the Jetty Terminal..

me and baby on the ferry..

he started posing and I start clicking my camera..

then Kok Weng decided to join the poser clan..

the photographer also end up with the clan..

we stayed in the Sea View Resort..

the beach were just few steps away from the chalet..

its fishing time!

Uncle Oliver all set up to fish..

baby preparing the hand line for me..

this is the hand line that we use to fish..

after an hour there were still no fishy..

me and Christina happily waiting for the fishes..

the first fish that I caught..

it was a garuppa or something.. and its edible!

the sunset in the middle of the sea were beautiful..

and here are the fishes that we caught..

baby's octopus..

then we went yumcha..
Day 2 - 24th December 2007
Day 2 were a little more relax in the daytime.. we got up early for breakfast and hang around the beach.. then we played water polo in the swimming pool and gambling in our chalets.. then at night was the Christmas eve dinner.. the buffet was alright only.. not too worthy for the money that we have payed.. the worse thing is the DJ sucks.. all of us were expecting some soothing Christmas songs to compliment our dinner.. but the DJ end up playing some techno songs which were really annoying and disturbing.. they even do sound check when everyone was there.. he was the worse DJ ever for repeating the same song thrice in 5 minutes! then came this group of lala girls and boys which totally screwed up the whole environment.. the DJ started playing some real lala songs and the the lalas start doing their lala dance.. so I just left the place and stroll on the beach till it was time for countdown..

footsteps on the beach..

horn bills..

they come here every morning for breakfast..

here is Carmen and Alan..

Christina and her mum playing with the dogs..

me patting Alan..

he was such a gorgeous dog..

me and baby..

awww.. so romantic..

the shadows of us..

they were hunting for some sea creatures..

and posed for a little while..

and here they found the sea cockroach..

baby's mum playing the banana boat..

the environment at the dinner place..

look at the sunburns on our faces..


baby and his mum doing the cha-cha dance..
Day 3 - 25th December 2007It was our last day at the beach today.. we woke up early for breakfast as usual.. and I took the last stroll all along the beach.. we left to the jetty terminal about 11am.. we have to leave early to avoid long queus at the terminal and to avoid traffic jams in the highway.. we stopped by Bidor again for lunch before we head back.. reach home about 3pm and we were all dead tired..

views from the end of the island..

me and baby on the shore..

I found my friend!

clams on the rocks..

more clams on the rocks..

loads of dead corals too..

crabs on the shore..

us in the van heading to the jetty..

goodbye Pulau Pangkor.. I had a great time..
and I hope to be back sometime soon again!